Tuesday, June 14, 2016


At Noreen's 18th
Love them so much. Cheers to 12 years!

Friday, June 10, 2016

I Knew It

I loved you
Sad you didn't know about it
I wanted to say it to you
But I was too scared
That you won't say you love me too.

We were the best of friends
Probably know a lot about each other
How we want our food, clothes
And even the person we want to have
But it was you that I wanted.

I thought Us would be possible
But I blame myself
I didn't have the courage to tell it to you
Pride took over my mind and body
That you would be the first one to say it 
But no, that didn't happen.

And now, I regret it
For not telling you how I really felt about you
Today, What If's are running on my mind
What if I told you that I love you?
Would you say you love me too?

But eventually, I accepted it
You'll never look at me the same way I look at you
I know you, I said you're my best friend
And maybe that's why I didn't say I love you
Because I already knew what your answer would be.